Connecting OM Center

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"We are challenged to learn > unlearn > relearn to live nanosecondly transmutating our BIOS back to primordial default settings synchronizing HG OS, encycling UPOL and franchising universalNet SAF WIFI. ~ BJM #10

Nanosecondly Connecting Omega Download Center

Thrive Abundantly in Less > Low > Inaction: Asop Mice's rejuxtaposing IT redirects soulful-seekes to relearning on board Game Plan II (Tripolarity living on CHCA Macrosoft metatemplate, Olam Ha-Ba blueprint), resurre(al)+(a)cting the ionbody righteous skywide, mobiling the 3D iconbody globewide -- leisurely throwing UPOL boomerangs co-manifesting Eden Garden connexions. "Live a traveler (traveling angel) life". ~ Mohammad

Holistic Self-healer: CHCA Macrosoft mobiles, radiates, encycles, fulfills consistent sanctity <> autenticity <> frugality circulatory flows of OMEGA <> ALPHA+ engendered neomitotic metabolism <> metamophroism <> metamobilism evolutions fortifying Trinity of Life (life force, intuitive wisdom, communal hi-toch influences), strenthening holistic healings in all areas of Megan Davidism.

"The most miracle of hu(ge)mnism is Macfosoft work-heart-living action by and in itself exponentially grows abundant Eden Garden of Megan Davidism surrounding life, no Alian-planned works can do". ~ BJM #10

2 Life Engines, 2 Noetic Habits, 2 Game Plans, 3 BIOS legs
"You'll be (always) tested (for getting salvage onto Game Plan II)". ~ Mohammad

Joint Mandatory Mission: God <> cosmos (Mother Nature) <> humanism are one. We (ion waves synchronized via cosmos womb <> mother earth womb <> man's mother womb down to earth to get trapped Alianly first, to relearn to live a mobile-hosting, amplifying, relaying station and partnering successor of nature -- role modeling metaphysically maturing leader+log > ralft > ship > Ark involution > revolution > evolution -- living heavenly alive on earth.

2 Life Engines: Woman/ man ionbody matrix is a primordial Adam's wireless self-operating computer's BIOS, down to earth spiritual kidnapped by Alian (clipped sound of Aristotelian) leviathan's half-truth twig of right/ wrong, good/ bad HB OS know(n)l+ege testaed via Eve [If: Asumptive, theoretical, conditional TTT (think, talk, touch)] of left wing's atomic (material dealing) trilogical cosmic strings.

NASDAQ Adam: -- to struggle angel OM <> Alpha+ fed feeling kingdom stumbling, suffering Game Plan I to the lowest of the low(er half virtue-feeling loops of Buddha 10-life Human Zoology -- until she/ he has had enough of it, and strongly seek metaphysical exodus.

Then she/ he will be God by Satan driven intrinsically to awakened, by a heaven-info-bridge travel angel, and determine to relearn spontanesously charting up an Eden Gardener's fatal appearances of her/ his 3D iconbody by simultaneously coupling operating systems (life engines) downloaded in action, HG (Holly Grail) OS overriding HB (Holly Blood) OS.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Chariot of the Body:

Man being’s mind is turbulent and obstinate. The five horses represent the five senses (tongue, eyes, nose, ears and skin). The rein symbolises the mind, the driver is the intelligence (thinking system/ mentaity), and the passenger is the spirit soul.

Monday, July 19, 2010




The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. ~ Michelangelo


Attending universalNet WIFI peace, paradisiacal path-milkyway clearity, accelerando supports/ sharing/ leverage love attractions (= ever- growing, everlasting leisurely success in all areas of life/ out of war-oriented economy) via Success-in-Life Trilogy (Megan David focus, trimetapolar meditating in action, & froideur living on UPOL sharing co-manifestation), in all circumstances, ascends A+ hi-touch horizontally unto the surroundings and vertically and upright spiral connecting upper celestial spheres, cirulating Omega <> Omega x Sigma/ Beta <> Alpha+


Ritual/ sit-down (Valium) meditation is illusive and develops delusions. The noetic ripples whirl upleft and fall, no mind, nopower to lift others. Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? That makes your mind narrow, unclear. Tao is clear, simple, and doesn't avoid the world”. ~ Lao Tzu

Illusions (ill+vision) <> Delusions: Idle (inaction) meditation is good only for reflections, contemplations, and whirling universalNet WIFI system empowering some ones (called cybernetic backup).

Transcendental truth seekers seeking accelerando Megan David need nanomutating/ nirvana (humanity) polar resurrected (your nanomutation polarity stumbles in facing with people and lucures) to go on life lab living on UPOL sharing co-manifestation strengthening tripolar metaphisics and maximizing consistent flows of trinity of life (life force, intutive wisdom, communal hi-touch influence).

Practice on bipolar metaphysics, ritual meditation gives only Valium tranquil peace, repressing trinity of fire (temptation <> passion <> ambition) of greed <> lust <> anger(3 gateways to hell ~ Bhagavad-Gita) in siege -- buring the man's Megan David perpetually within pharaonic, plutocratic economy database, fostering and cloning self destructing sophist warriors and/or lurking leviathans (with egoistic <> heroic <> individualist TTT karmic boomerang (Vashira <> Vashirapanee) weapon).

Delusive (Twilight) Meditation:
I'm indifferent to what a person knows or what magics he/ she can perform. I want to love and respect him/ her as a human by the number of families lifted to live wisely well sharing and comanifesting UPOL with him. ~ Ralph Peterson

Animal-dragged, Ghost-canopied, leviathan-lurking Meditation: Bimetapolarity ripples ruled by reactive mind's creative instinct under influence of animal's self-centered heroic <> egoistic <> individualistic darning gridlocks involuting low-touch celestial sphere.

Egoism (orthodox): respecting/ addicted/ attached to what you know (war-oriented pharaonic and plutocratic capitalist life's database.

According to Buddha there exists minimum 84000 open IP addresses to sneak into embodying any hanged soul matrixes, at any moment, ranging from angry ghosts > hungry ghosts > animals > hell creatures.

Dead-end Meditation: Idle/ isolate meditation was designed to lead life going round back to get trapped parabolically looping/ NASDAQing under fragile-relationship and leadership-wreck stumbling blocks of half-fortune-wheel pharaonic (state-power holding) capitalism and plutocratic (money-power holding)capitalism.

Provisional, Not Eternal: You feel the instant benefits during sit-down/ ritual/ idle meditating. But, as soon comin out of the meditative state, you return to the same negative habits and belief systems that prevent them from manifesting their goals and desires on the living way of living co-manifesting authenticity <> sanctity <> frugality sharing with the surroundings.

Mirages: Monks, nuns, priests, hermits, small dreamers, charity operators, government officers/ state leaders hardly get harmed in ritual meditation practice -- for, they live on OPM (other people's money), using left-brain low-profile.

Post Moderns: Post modern dreamers are the most confused and confusing ones. They feel they're independent, justice, truth seeking, and civic-minded. On one side they forming ethnic activist groups against pharaonic and plutocratic capitalist leaders . On the other side they operate chairity facading pharaonic and plutocratic extremities.

Independence doesn't exists. It's just the feeling transitional to interdependence (called freedom) or u-turn back to pharaonic and plutocratic capitalist life traps.

And, when feeling at bay, bimetapolarity post moderns get back to pharaonic-plutocratic capitalism. If one comes up with a new invention he/ she runs back to sell it to, or start a business for a pharaonic-plutocratic rich. When the business start to make money he/ she get kicked out.

Many new, very good inventions of post moderns, alternative fuels and vehicles for example, have got shelved by oil companies and car companies.



David's Introduction to Wisdom
Home-school education for Solomon.

Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction, pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so don't forsake my teaching. When I was a boy in my father's house, still tender, and an only child of my mother, he taught me and said, "Lay hold of my words with all your heart. Keep my commands and you'll live.

Get wisdom (via CHCA), get understanding. Don't forget my words or swerve from them. Don't forsake wisdom, and she'll protect you. Love her, and she'll watch over you. Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom though it cost all you have. Get understanding, esteem her, and she'll exalt you. Embrace her, and she'll honor you. She'll set a garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of splendor.

Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you'll not stumble. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still. Teach a righteous man and he'll add to his learning. Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.

Hold on to instruction, don't let it go, guard it well, for it's your life. Don't set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it, don't travel on it. Turn from it and go on your way, for they cann't sleep till they do evil. They are robbed of slumber till they make someone fall. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. The path of the righteous (noeticism) is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter 'till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness, they do not know what makes them stumble.

My son, pay attention to what I say, listen closely to my words. Don't let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart, for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.


OM overriding yin-yang maximizes Trinity of Life (life force, intuitive wisdom & communal hi-touch)


There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect.
~ Gilbert K Chesterton

In parallel and opposite (involuting) direction, consensus prophetic spiritual learning installs hu(ge)manimation technology. ~ Ralph Peterson

Religion teaching and IQ boosting provided for the youths in money, material, management metatemplate locks off OM OVERRIDING YIN-YANG (Intuitive wisdom flows) in actions. The metaphysical mold is man-made (devil-planned, and evil-promoted/ sophists-mouthed) luring us struggling micro-view involution.

IQ Condemnation: IQ periodically means Ignorant Quality (for thinking fast), or Idiot Quality (of noetic character), if the person trusts it as principal WIFI life computer's operating system, for left-brain's analytical intelligence is only great in working with materials, but worst in humanely dealing either horizontally or vertically.

Taboo: Working IQ with life and prophetic teachings is tabooed. Left brain's artifact creativity treats life as material, fabricating wiser thoughts to sharpens leverage-love-breaking Indra's wife's individualistic <> heroic <> egoistic weapon, weaving hierachical complexities oppressing, vandalizing, and shrinks each other life into human-larvae encasement.

Left brain's IQ gets life entangled power-low, powerless in throes, solving a problem by creating endless, countless, timeless dynamic problems.

Intellectual Solar Eclipse: Nothing wrong in respecting IQ, religion and formal (branches of) education, only people metaphysically unaware of lacking the roots of education, struggling and battling against potential co-innovative partners and successors, ignoring quality living, and blocking intuitive wisdom quantumization <> optimization <> maximization pathway.

Individualistic war-oriented pharaonic-plutocratic IQ (microcosm) in action locks off universalistic Omega (light) <> Omega x Sigma/ Beta (life) <> Alpha+ (leverage love on UPOL sharing co-innovations) circulatory (microsom involuting macrocosm) system.



2 Minds 2 Languages:
OM pervade emptied noetic path and peace-oriented, civic froideur, grassroot economy's noetic database folder (of left brain released/ free mind -- called responsive mind -- the mind that speaks/ records/ discharges 0, 1 language) -- Left brain-centered reactive mind speaks/ records/discharges -1, 0, 1 language).

A+ ascension and OM pervasion transformationally circulatiing via life the same manner as Google's push <> pull bridging via a search engine on internet. Only the difference is OM <> A+ nourish the your skulling and WIFI computer (metaphisical system). internet signals don't nourish your labtop and the search engine.

ORTHODOXICATION: Intellect is the Knowledge of the Ego Self, enhancd by politics, religions, formal educations, leader's exemplifications, and mainline media, zipped in man-made database IQ-ruled (reactive mind's clevernesss) habitual viewing <> thinking <> feeling <> amplified the feelings to support pharaonic-plutocratic capitalism. (Don't hate war-oriented socio-economy, or whoever work for it. Respect the existing right of everything/ person/ organization/ institution).

IQ duplicates reasoning. EQ duplicates rea-soning.

LOW TOUCH ORIENTATION: Locking off consistent wisdom flows, man-made, war-oriented economy's database limits life struggling and sufferring to serve (and duplicate) material/ external power hunting, holding, hoarding, and humiliating others within narrowing space of egoism <> heroism <> individualism gridlocks.

PRUDENT JUDGMENT: Macrocosmic universalNet WIFI IT-tech warehouse (peace-oriented economy database automatically hyperlinking cosmos circulatory system) is far-cry greater than microcosmic war-oriented economy data base. It's Good's intended UPOL-sharing-co-manifestation subject-oriented, novolatile, and of historic combinations of decision suports, and innovative indicators.

WAR-ORIENTED/ DEATH PATH DEVILIZERS: Narrow noetic databased, frugality-hunters, holders, hoarders -- provisional employees, self-employed business owner, and dependants look for intellectuals involuting Josef connections working for biblical Egypt's pharaonic-plutocratic capitalism.

LIVING PATH OF EXODUS CIVILIZERS: Eased (left-brain-freed) mind has strong sense of pioneer, co-innovation, authenticity <> sanctity <> frugality provision -- creation, invention, innovation.

Thus, business social founders, co-innovative partners and missionary successors look for wisdom educers -- involuting Moses <> David (if necessary
to override Ravan connections) <> Solomon connections leaving Egypt for Jerusalem.


ยกสมาธิพิธี/ พิธีกรรมให้คนหลงรักโลกล่าง
PPC PARISM ใช้พิธีกรรม สร้างเศรษฐจิตสงคราม เตรียมนักรบการตลาด/ การทหาร ฮือฮาเสมอก่อนสงครามโลก จำเป็นก็ร่วมได้ด้วยจิตว่างรับรู้ไม่รับรู้สึกไม่รังเกียจไม่ต้าน" ~ ราล์ฟ ปีเตอร์สัน

ระลึกชาติสร้างชาติ: พักสมองจิตว่างร่างอิอ้อนอั๊พลิ้งกายไอค่อนผ่อนคลาย นั่ง/ ยืน/ เดิน/ นอน ระลึกชาติ (Reflection) <> ดาวน์โหลด/ อั๊พเดทเทมเพลท ionbody Contemplation) เรียบ ง่ายราบรื่นลื่นไหลเป็นไปเองอัตโนมัติ ทุกนาโน่เซคคั่น

ขั้น เตรียมตัวฝึกเลี่ยงเผชิญหน้า หลีกแรงลบกระทบชวนเครียดทั้งหลาย (อย่าตาย: Neomeiotic Genesis) จนกว่าจะ On Board Aesop Mice Fellowship ฝึก CHCA (Celestial Heartphone Conference in Action -- ติดตั้ง Divine Disposion BIOS ระบบ Modem-Router (ยกช่อฟ้า) อั๊พลิ้งค์ HG OS -- กับผู้ชี้นำท่ามกลางสมาคมผู้ฝึกเกิดใหม่ไปขวา "อยู่ในกระแส Radiance ของผู้ชี้นำ" ~ เล่า จื่อ

-- particularly in face of perilous situations, and/ or in confrontaton with mankind with concerns of material expectation/ speculation/ hoarding.

Ritual meditation is good for charging batt and convince dualistic warriors. "Dualism is sick". ~ Lao Tzu

เทคโนโลยี่ไดนามิค Sophist Chasm
คำ ตอบคือสุดยอด OM overriding yin-yang เต็มครี่งวงแจ้ง ร่วม โรล โมเดล สันดานไบโพล่าร์/ ฝั่งซ้าย) OM overriding yin-yang on Megan David หลุดพ้น เต็มวงแจ้งอภิธรรม เติมเต็ม Bi(bub)ble Boomerang Integrity ร่วมโรล โมเดลสันดานไตรโพล่าร์ฝั่งขวา).

"I’m religiously nonbeliever. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. ~ Albert Einstein "The knowledge of the Noble Self exist beyond reasoning knowledge of scholars and philosophers". ~ Buddha "Intuition (astuteness without conscious reasoning.) is the most important thing". ~ Albert Einstein "All prophets upgrade the BIOS installing Tao OS outside religions". ~ Ralph Peterson


Virtue Unconditionally Blesses Both Wings



Q4: Live Guardian Angel Feeling Kingdom
"Beyond all types of material-bent networking, we're all predestined to practice fostering, not over-pampering or heating, our and other people's kids as co-innovative, incorporating and successive guardian angel partners". ~ Ralph Peterson

CHCA: Celestial Heartphone Conference. Relegion



The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness, they do not know what makes them stumble. ~ King David


Cleverness: IQ = individualistic microcosm/ left-brain-centered reactive mind's mechanism -- called the Ego Self (trinity/ trilogy of egoism <> heroism <> individualism).

War-oriented Metaphysics Instructions: In past life, our explosions of noetic repressions instruct us to bet life and whatever we have testing and proving the Law of TTT Karmic Boomerangs dynamic out of cleverness. Only we, that:-

>>> Series -1, 0, 1 TTT of the Ego Self's cleverness negative to UPOL sharing co-manifestation.

>>> Only series 0, 1, TTT of the Ego Self positive to leverage love and UPOL sharing co-manifestation.

>>> Ego Self doesn't learn from the mistakes of itself. Though it can learn from the mistakes of others.(Ego Self posses no lifeward automatic driver).

>>> Wild Ego Self's automated high-speed, war-oriented socio-economy database by (driven by temptation <> passion <> ambition, propelled by egoism <> individualism <> heroism) rules out -1, 0, 1 TTT.

>>> Thus, Ego Self's low-speed awareness mechanism (9 bits per second) of scholars and philosophers can't QC to rule out total 0, 1 TTT in all actions, involuting regular automacy of universal (macrocosm) intuitive wisdom in all circumstances.


Regular automacy of intuitive wisdom pervading synthesized MQ <> EQ <> RQ <> AQ <> CQ <> NQ <> SQ <> TQ (the Knowledge of the Noble Self) of Responsive mind (automacy of holistic/ universalistic macrocosm) overrides and encompasses IQ (microcosm of reactive mind).

Wisdom (flowing in trinity of life force, intuitive wisdom, communal hi-touch periodically) is intercepted by low-touch cleverness propelled by emotion, whenever and wherever we metaphysically empower (resonate giving support = metaphysically duplicate) the misers (hunters <> hoarders/ and users of external power distorting UPOL of others).

Nirvana fixes humanimation noetic IP Address automacy – formulating 5th-element Temperament (the Noble Self) to whirl MQ, EQ, RQ, AQ, CQ, NQ, SQ, TQ (the Knowledge of Noble Self) spotaneously, constantly ascending righteous in one – overriding, modifying, encompassing and empowering IQ mechanism – circulating greater and greater Omega x Sigma/ Beta <> Alpha+ for tune wheel in actions – ruling consistencies of UPOL co-innovations & sharing in all circumstances.

Modern university education has advanced in working via psychologist, philosopher and scholar's left brains to dig deep amalgamating MQ, EQ, RQ, AQ, CQ, NQ, SQ, and TQ in details -- good to get the Knowledge ABOUT (not OF) the Noble Self.

Mentally drawing the picture of the Noble Self living co-manifesting Eden Garden Planet in your war-oriented economy's database is not attending the Noble Self. It just like an artist drawing the picture of a thief, for polices to run wild after him.

Non-profiteeing, no obligation service for the selected and chosen ones only.


We (God) don't make it beyond the ability of anybody. ~ Mohammad

If you think practice listening and reading with blank head (to train sky-wide open mind is difficult, forget it. Mentexodus mentors, leaders, and citizens don't have to deal with negating minds. You've been not yet having had enough pains as victims to circumstances in pharaonic-plutocratic worlds of BBBs.

Mentexodus is for all time winners (the victors).

Thanks for Leveraging: Mediocrity provisional winners, top pharaonic-plutocratic leaders, as well as magicians and superstitious performers, apart from leveraging UPOL lifers taking Red Cross roles healing/ feeding the majority in Sahara Crusade fields, they are also leveraging as heaven PRs alive and after death - convincing people of the existence of supernatural power.


The (energy body) path to Utopia begins with accepting the existing right of two parallilo celestial spheres of metaphysical viewing <> being <> doing <> having <> spending the having, lower whirls (seesaw's left wing) of differentiations (war oriented economy) and upper whirl (seesaw's right wing) of oneness (peace oriented economy).

Lower whirling metaphysics bases decision making on emotional liking/ disliking. Upper whirling metaphysics bases decision making on necessity (to Megan David), of the other first.

WIFI of Nirvana, immunity, hygienic health, wisdom, evergrowing/ everlasting (fraternity) leverage love, sanctified metaphysical freedom, authentic self-efficacy and frugality abundance, etc., all higher qualities of living/ living together exists among people metaphysically exodus to upper celestial sphere.