ยกสมาธิพิธี/ พิธีกรรมให้คนหลงรักโลกล่าง
PPC PARISM ใช้พิธีกรรม สร้างเศรษฐจิตสงคราม เตรียมนักรบการตลาด/ การทหาร ฮือฮาเสมอก่อนสงครามโลก จำเป็นก็ร่วมได้ด้วยจิตว่างรับรู้ไม่รับรู้สึกไม่รังเกียจไม่ต้าน" ~ ราล์ฟ ปีเตอร์สัน
ระลึกชาติสร้างชาติ: พักสมองจิตว่างร่างอิอ้อนอั๊พลิ้งกายไอค่อนผ่อนคลาย นั่ง/ ยืน/ เดิน/ นอน ระลึกชาติ (Reflection) <> ดาวน์โหลด/ อั๊พเดทเทมเพลท ionbody Contemplation) เรียบ ง่ายราบรื่นลื่นไหลเป็นไปเองอัตโนมัติ ทุกนาโน่เซคคั่น
ขั้น เตรียมตัวฝึกเลี่ยงเผชิญหน้า หลีกแรงลบกระทบชวนเครียดทั้งหลาย (อย่าตาย: Neomeiotic Genesis) จนกว่าจะ On Board Aesop Mice Fellowship ฝึก CHCA (Celestial Heartphone Conference in Action -- ติดตั้ง Divine Disposion BIOS ระบบ Modem-Router (ยกช่อฟ้า) อั๊พลิ้งค์ HG OS -- กับผู้ชี้นำท่ามกลางสมาคมผู้ฝึกเกิดใหม่ไปขวา "อยู่ในกระแส Radiance ของผู้ชี้นำ" ~ เล่า จื่อ
-- particularly in face of perilous situations, and/ or in confrontaton with mankind with concerns of material expectation/ speculation/ hoarding.
Ritual meditation is good for charging batt and convince dualistic warriors. "Dualism is sick". ~ Lao Tzu
เทคโนโลยี่ไดนามิค Sophist Chasm
คำ ตอบคือสุดยอด OM overriding yin-yang เต็มครี่งวงแจ้ง ร่วม โรล โมเดล สันดานไบโพล่าร์/ ฝั่งซ้าย) OM overriding yin-yang on Megan David หลุดพ้น เต็มวงแจ้งอภิธรรม เติมเต็ม Bi(bub)ble Boomerang Integrity ร่วมโรล โมเดลสันดานไตรโพล่าร์ฝั่งขวา).
"I’m religiously nonbeliever. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. ~ Albert Einstein "The knowledge of the Noble Self exist beyond reasoning knowledge of scholars and philosophers". ~ Buddha "Intuition (astuteness without conscious reasoning.) is the most important thing". ~ Albert Einstein "All prophets upgrade the BIOS installing Tao OS outside religions". ~ Ralph Peterson
Connecting OM Center
English | Thai -- DownloadVacillationRead: Macrosoft | 3 Power Rings | ParalliloTourist | Utopianizer | Sense Datum | Dualism Souls
"We are challenged to learn > unlearn > relearn to live nanosecondly transmutating our BIOS back to primordial default settings synchronizing HG OS, encycling UPOL and franchising universalNet SAF WIFI. ~ BJM #10
2 Life Engines, 2 Noetic Habits, 2 Game Plans, 3 BIOS legs
"You'll be (always) tested (for getting salvage onto Game Plan II)". ~ Mohammad
Joint Mandatory Mission: God <> cosmos (Mother Nature) <> humanism are one. We (ion waves synchronized via cosmos womb <> mother earth womb <> man's mother womb down to earth to get trapped Alianly first, to relearn to live a mobile-hosting, amplifying, relaying station and partnering successor of nature -- role modeling metaphysically maturing leader+log > ralft > ship > Ark involution > revolution > evolution -- living heavenly alive on earth.
2 Life Engines: Woman/ man ionbody matrix is a primordial Adam's wireless self-operating computer's BIOS, down to earth spiritual kidnapped by Alian (clipped sound of Aristotelian) leviathan's half-truth twig of right/ wrong, good/ bad HB OS know(n)l+ege testaed via Eve [If: Asumptive, theoretical, conditional TTT (think, talk, touch)] of left wing's atomic (material dealing) trilogical cosmic strings.
NASDAQ Adam: -- to struggle angel OM <> Alpha+ fed feeling kingdom stumbling, suffering Game Plan I to the lowest of the low(er half virtue-feeling loops of Buddha 10-life Human Zoology -- until she/ he has had enough of it, and strongly seek metaphysical exodus.
Then she/ he will be God by Satan driven intrinsically to awakened, by a heaven-info-bridge travel angel, and determine to relearn spontanesously charting up an Eden Gardener's fatal appearances of her/ his 3D iconbody by simultaneously coupling operating systems (life engines) downloaded in action, HG (Holly Grail) OS overriding HB (Holly Blood) OS.
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"We are challenged to learn > unlearn > relearn to live nanosecondly transmutating our BIOS back to primordial default settings synchronizing HG OS, encycling UPOL and franchising universalNet SAF WIFI. ~ BJM #10
Nanosecondly Connecting Omega Download Center
Thrive Abundantly in Less > Low > Inaction: Asop Mice's rejuxtaposing IT redirects soulful-seekes to relearning on board Game Plan II (Tripolarity living on CHCA Macrosoft metatemplate, Olam Ha-Ba blueprint), resurre(al)+(a)cting the ionbody righteous skywide, mobiling the 3D iconbody globewide -- leisurely throwing UPOL boomerangs co-manifesting Eden Garden connexions. "Live a traveler (traveling angel) life". ~ Mohammad
Holistic Self-healer: CHCA Macrosoft mobiles, radiates, encycles, fulfills consistent sanctity <> autenticity <> frugality circulatory flows of OMEGA <> ALPHA+ engendered neomitotic metabolism <> metamophroism <> metamobilism evolutions fortifying Trinity of Life (life force, intuitive wisdom, communal hi-toch influences), strenthening holistic healings in all areas of Megan Davidism.
"The most miracle of hu(ge)mnism is Macfosoft work-heart-living action by and in itself exponentially grows abundant Eden Garden of Megan Davidism surrounding life, no Alian-planned works can do". ~ BJM #10
2 Life Engines, 2 Noetic Habits, 2 Game Plans, 3 BIOS legs
"You'll be (always) tested (for getting salvage onto Game Plan II)". ~ Mohammad
Joint Mandatory Mission: God <> cosmos (Mother Nature) <> humanism are one. We (ion waves synchronized via cosmos womb <> mother earth womb <> man's mother womb down to earth to get trapped Alianly first, to relearn to live a mobile-hosting, amplifying, relaying station and partnering successor of nature -- role modeling metaphysically maturing leader+log > ralft > ship > Ark involution > revolution > evolution -- living heavenly alive on earth.
2 Life Engines: Woman/ man ionbody matrix is a primordial Adam's wireless self-operating computer's BIOS, down to earth spiritual kidnapped by Alian (clipped sound of Aristotelian) leviathan's half-truth twig of right/ wrong, good/ bad HB OS know(n)l+ege testaed via Eve [If: Asumptive, theoretical, conditional TTT (think, talk, touch)] of left wing's atomic (material dealing) trilogical cosmic strings.
NASDAQ Adam: -- to struggle angel OM <> Alpha+ fed feeling kingdom stumbling, suffering Game Plan I to the lowest of the low(er half virtue-feeling loops of Buddha 10-life Human Zoology -- until she/ he has had enough of it, and strongly seek metaphysical exodus.
Then she/ he will be God by Satan driven intrinsically to awakened, by a heaven-info-bridge travel angel, and determine to relearn spontanesously charting up an Eden Gardener's fatal appearances of her/ his 3D iconbody by simultaneously coupling operating systems (life engines) downloaded in action, HG (Holly Grail) OS overriding HB (Holly Blood) OS.
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